While label payment cards issuing in Slovakia

While label payment cards issuing in Slovakia

Leverage Striga’s APIs to issue white label payment cards branded with your logo. Offer a native experience to your end-users by issuing a branded visa cards program

Leverage Striga’s APIs to issue white label payment cards branded with your logo. Offer a native experience to your end-users by issuing a branded visa cards program

Issue unlimited debit

Issue unlimited debit

VISA cards - branded by you

VISA cards - branded by you


Easily issue and manage both virtual and physical VISA cards for your customers using Striga’s debit card issuing APIs.

Debit & prepaid cards

Debit & prepaid cards

issuing made easy

issuing made easy


Offer debit and prepaid cards easily to your customers. Get our ready-to-go package, complete with card issuing licenses, PCI-DSS certification, and card fulfillment.

EUR & crypto payment cards are

EUR & crypto payment cards are

issued within the same platform

issued within the same platform


Offer EUR & crypto wallets linked with a physical and virtual card to your end-users. Launch an MVP easily within 2 months and put your product in the hands of your users to test your features quickly.

Co-branded virtual cards for faster deployment

Co-branded virtual cards for faster deployment

Issue branded virtual cards blended with compliant crypto payments. Let your end-users add virtual cards to Google Pay and Apple Pay to start spending their EUR and/or crypto easily.

Full-tracked physical card activation flow

Image of the number 1

Create a physical card by default enrolled in 3D Secure.

Image of the number 2

Details will be shared with the card manufacturer.

Image of the number 3

Track the status of the cards: Created, Dispatched, Delivered, Active, and Blocked.

Image of the number 4

The user receives & activates his physical card with the PIN associated

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Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.

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Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.