From payments & crypto veterans
to the Fintech world
From payments & crypto veterans to the Fintech world
We are on a mission to remove the red tape when it comes to building FinTech. From a team of experienced payments professionals, we understand the pain in building FinTech.
We are on a mission to remove the red tape when it comes to building FinTech. From a team of experienced payments professionals, we understand the pain in taking a FinTech product live

Our vision
Our vision
We envision facilitating a seamless integration between financial infrastructure and crypto infrastructure, abstracting away technical and regulatory complexities, such that any company, big or small, can embed financial infrastructure in their products with ease
Our journey so far
Our journey so far
Started MasterCard EU approval process. Launched Lastbit’s Lightning & Cards Testnet Wallet
Completed UC Berkeley’s SkyDeck program, closed pre-seed round and joined Visa USA’s FastTrack Program.
Program approved by MasterCard. Accepted to YCombinator and began work on Lastbit Lite and Lastbit Cards, using customer feedback from Testnet
Launch the world’s first non-custodial Lightning powered MasterCard and demonstrated a faster payments network. Closed Seed round.
Lastbit processed over 1M EUR GMV through the live beta. Strictly focused on compliance to adhere to new EU laws
Public launch of the Striga platform as an EU licensed VASP
Who we are
Who we are
Being long time bitcoiners and legal professionals ourselves, we deeply understand the pain it takes to build with Bitcoin and crypto in a compliant manner.
Thus, we built the Striga platform experience around exactly these tenets, enabling you, the innovator to focus on your core business, i.e., building and shipping innovative services, while we take care of all the compliance and legacy fiat infrastructure hurdles for you

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Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.
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Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.