Stories from the crypt
How to embed USDT crypto payments accounts into your app?
Embed USDT crypto payments accounts into your app. Enable for your end-users a samples P2P transfers using their USDT accounts.
How to build cross border payments app?
Cryptocurrencies, for a time now, have been considered the best alternative to replace SWIFT in regard to global money transfers. It provides peer-to-peer transactions in decentralized blockchain technology and can offer an almost instantaneous, much more affordable, and more secure international money transfer.
How to embed crypto to fiat off-ramp into your app?
Within the crypto industry, there are the concepts of fiat on-ramps and off-ramps. You can also find people using the term crypto on- and off-ramp as well as onramp and offramp.Learn how to embed crypto to fiat offramp into your product in a seamless way.
How can Web3 app benefit from crypto payment cards issuing?
With today’s crypto payment cards issuing APIs, Web3 app can build remarkable advantages of white-labeled crypto debit cards. Designed to seamlessly integrate with all major crypto protocols, these cards offer a convenient and secure solution for facilitating transactions using cryptocurrency.
How to issue crypto cards using APIs?
Looking to issue your branded crypto cards? Check out Striga’s new crypto cards program for neobanks, web3 apps, and crypto companies. With Striga’s card issuing platform, you can easily issue customized virtual and physical crypto cards for your users.
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