Stories from the crypt
How do crypto APIs empower fintechs to bridge crypto with banking services?
Crypto payments are introducing a new way of innovation. Fintechs can add simple crypto APIs and offers exciting services to their retail users.
How Striga is helping its partners to embed crypto and banking functionalities within the same platform?
the Striga platform allows its partners to build applications that implants crypto and banking functionalities, rejecting the logic and orchestration of modules to you, without having to worry about any of the compliance and regulatory overhead.
What’s the difference between credit, debit, and prepaid cards?
All the cards have enough in common that they’re often confused. That confusion can result in cardholders mishandling their accounts and seeing their credit scores fall or seeing their scores stagnate when they wish them to grow.
How does Striga compare to the Embedded Finance platform Crassula?
Do you want to offer crypto & fiat cards to your users? Compare Striga’s European Crypto banking as a service platform with Crassula Embedded Finance platform
How does Striga’s crypto banking as a service platform compare to Contis?
Do you want to offer crypto & fiat cards to your users? Compare Striga’s European Crypto banking as a service platform with Contis Banking as a service platform
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Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.