Access BNB payment processing program under one platform
Access BNB payment processing program under one platform
Striga’s BNB payment processing program allows companies to brand their cards and let their identity shine as the users take them out into the world.
Striga’s BNB payment processing program allows companies to brand their cards and let their identity shine as the users take them out into the world.

Physical & virtual card issuing APIs
Our BIN sponsorship services are supported by a full-featured card issuing API platform.
Designed to enable a wide range of modern payment solutions, Striga’s crypto friendly banking services offer precise control and full ownership of your white label card program.
BNB payment processing program
Card processing capabilities are essential for starting a card program. Get access to your dedicated BIN and launch a unique card program with Striga’s fintech payment solution.
BIN sponsorship & white-label crypto card issuing
Our BIN sponsorship is a fast way for fintechs and crypto apps to launch their white-label payment card programs. Striga is a VASP-certified company backed by a secure, and compliant payment card issuer and processor.
Manage your BNB payment processing program
A one-stop-shop approach, Striga, as a VASP-licensed organization, handles the implementation with the various players and allows you to easily launch your service in an optimal timeframe.
Launch a BNB white-label card program
Our physical and virtual card issuance programs include the ability to customize your cards according to your brand strategy: material, design, and packaging
Set-up of a dedicated BIN for your program
Striga handles your Visa card application and sets up a dedicated BIN range for your program. Striga’s team supports you throughout the project to ensure the efficiency and compliance of the card program.
One platform for
One platform for
crypto friendly banking services
crypto friendly banking services

Apple Pay
The mobile payment solution uses the Apple wallet to pay online or offline, with a digitalized card. You should bear in mind that the development and integration project for Apple Pay can be longer than for other wallet providers
Google Pay
The mobile payment solution uses Google Wallet to pay with a digitized card that can be used on all Android phones. The deployment process is also regulated but is less restrictive than for Apple Pay.
Samsung Pay & Fitbit Pay
The implementation of the mobile payment solution using the Samsung & Fitbit wallet is available upon request.
Lancez-vous avec Striga
Embarquer vos Wallet
Build and Launch customer wallets by offering them dedicated and unique IBANs connected to multi-currency accounts
Embarquer vos utilisateurs
Striga vous fournit un module de vérification d'identité et un module KYC pour vérifier l'identité des clients. Tout le processus se fait via une API
Surveillez Transactions
Surveillez les transactions grâce à des contrôles continus en matière de LBC/FT. Lancez vos produits financiers sans avoir besoin d'aucune licence.
Émettre et gestion
les cartes VISA
Gérer les cartes et avoir un contrôle total sur le cycle de vie des cartes. Vous pouvez également concevoir des flux d'approbation personnalisés pour une expérience client sans faille.
Vous voulez être un partenaire ?
Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.
Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.
Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.
Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.