Issue crypto debit cards for gig workers and gamers
Issue crypto debit cards for gig workers and gamers
As the gig market grows, Striga offers opportunities for neobanks and fintechs to explore this industry by running a branded prepaid/debit cards program for this industry.
As the gig market grows, Striga offers opportunities for neobanks and fintechs to explore this industry by running a branded prepaid/debit cards program for this industry.
Debit cards blended with
Debit cards blended with
crypto wallets for gamers
crypto wallets for gamers
Let the gig workers get paid instantly
Either in crypto and fiat currencies, you can offer the gamers the ability to own crypto and fiat balances, receive SEPA payments or digital assets and spend easily with their cards
Offer virtual and physical cards with rewards points
Build personal accounts for gigs with features including crypto virtual and physical cards, cash-back rewards as well as tokenization using Apple & Google pay.
Equip gamers with dynamic spend controls
Allow gig workers users to set transactions limits and spending limits depending on their EEA country or merchant category
White label crypto cards solutions
Design, test, and launch a self-branded cards program. Striga provides you with all the requirements needed to get your cards approved by Visa
Apple pay & Google pay tokenization
Let your gig users connect their cards with Apple and Google pay and offer them a great payment experience. Allow them to pay with their mobile in a secure way.
3D secure and fraud monitoring
Furnish an extra level of protection by asking your end-users for the second round of verification with the card issuer at the time of the transaction
A Visa debit cards program
A Visa debit cards program
with a personalized offer for the gaming industry
with a personalized offer for the gaming industry
Use cases:
Use cases:
Gig crypto debit cards for various industries
Gig crypto debit cards for various industries

Neobanks & Fintechs
Explore a new market segment and let the gamers get paid by using your neobank. Offer various advantages for gig workers holding cards such as discounts, rewards points, or even cash-backs

Crypto Wallets & Exchanges
Let your gig users load BTC, USDC, or USDT onto their debit cards and spend crypto on a daily basis, at merchants or ATMs.

NFT Marketplaces
Allow gamers to load their NFTs on their balances and spend them using their physical and virtual debit cards easily
Lancez-vous avec Striga
Embarquer vos Wallet
Créer et lancer les portefeuilles des clients en leur offrant des vIBAN dédiés et uniques connectés à des comptes multidevises.
Embarquer vos utilisateurs
Striga vous fournit un module de vérification d'identité et un module KYC pour vérifier l'identité des clients. Tout le processus se fait via une API
Surveillez Transactions
Surveillez les transactions grâce à des contrôles continus en matière de LBC/FT. Lancez vos produits financiers sans avoir besoin d'aucune licence.
Émettre et gestion
les cartes VISA
Gérer les cartes et avoir un contrôle total sur le cycle de vie des cartes. Vous pouvez également concevoir des flux d'approbation personnalisés pour une expérience client sans faille.
Vous voulez être un partenaire ?
Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.
Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.
Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.
Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.