Branded Crypto Rewards Card for your End Users

Branded Crypto Rewards Card for your End Users

Start your crypto rewards card program. Deliver loyalty and rewards points, and gift cards powered by digital assets.

Start your crypto reward cards program. Deliver loyalty and rewards points, and gift cards powered by digital assets.

Provide crypto rewards

Provide crypto rewards

on every purchase for your end-users

on every purchase for your end-users

Users earn rewards that can appreciate in value

With the crypto rewards cards, your users can earn rewards in bitcoin or other cryptos currently available on your app.

Instant rewards the moment your client swipes a card

Benefit your users from any crypto price appreciation the moment they swipe their cards.

Use loyalty crypto cards to increase customer loyalty

Gift crypto as a loyalty reward encourages customers to return and spend on your business products or services.

Fiat-crypto conversion

First, the crypto is converted into the user’s choice of fiat currency before being loaded into the debit card.

Purchase processing

Once loaded and ready to use, purchases are processed in that specific currency.

Rewards and gift points in crypto

Rewards, however, are given as a digital coins depending on the debit card.

How do the crypto rewards card works?

How do the crypto rewards card works?

Use cases:

Use cases:

Crypto rewards card for various industries

Crypto rewards card for various industries


Crypto rewards debit cards

Let your end-users earn profits by offering them gift points. When they use a debit card, they can receive digital currency as a reward or earn points or cash back, which they can later convert to cryptocurrency to exchange for other benefits.


Crypto loyalty program

Offer crypto rewards for your customers to acquire fast food, art, electronic equipment, or even cars. Also, numerous stores and services online have enabled this payment channel, like Shopify, Xbox, and Starbucks.

Lancez-vous avec Striga

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Embarquer vos

Build and Launch customer wallets by offering them dedicated and unique IBANs connected to multi-currency accounts

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vos utilisateurs

Striga vous fournit un module de vérification d'identité et un module KYC pour vérifier l'identité des clients. Tout le processus se fait via une API

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Surveillez les transactions grâce à des contrôles continus en matière de LBC/FT. Lancez vos produits financiers sans avoir besoin d'aucune licence.

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Émettre et gestion
les cartes VISA

Gérer les cartes et avoir un contrôle total sur le cycle de vie des cartes. Vous pouvez également concevoir des flux d'approbation personnalisés pour une expérience client sans faille.

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Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.

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Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.