Efficient crypto ecommerce payments for your end users
Efficient crypto ecommerce payments for your end users
A crypto ecommerce payment API for merchants to accept payment in crypto. Add crypto payment integration to your store and enable customers to complete their purchases using digital assets.
A crypto ecommerce payment API for merchants to accept payment in crypto. Add crypto payment integration to your store and enable customers to complete their purchases using digital assets.

Looking for a native crypto payment gateway?
Looking for a native crypto payment gateway?
As the retail landscape evolves, there’s a growing demand for flexible payment methods. A significant portion of today’s online shoppers are keen on using cryptocurrency to purchase goods. Yet, many e-commerce store owners are in search of a seamless gateway to integrate crypto payments, aiming to offer an optimal checkout experience with digital currencies
Crypto ecommerce payment APIs for a native checkout integration
Crypto ecommerce payment APIs for a native checkout integration
Integrating crypto payment has become straightforward. Simply provide a wallet for your end-users, onboard them, and allow them to make payments using your in-house wallet. This method facilitates a variety of payment scenarios, such as EUR checkout and Bitcoin checkout. Additionally, you can automate recurring payments for goods that have monthly fees.
Onboard end-users without the need to manage compliance burdens
Onboard end-users without the need to manage compliance burdens
Integrate the KYC SDK into your e-commerce platform and begin onboarding your end-users. Select your KYC levels, allow your users to create accounts within your store, and provide them with an in-house wallet.

EUR accounts & vIBANs for onramp
EUR accounts & vIBANs for onramp
Provide a native onramp integration for your shoppers, allowing them to deposit EUR directly from their local bank accounts using instant SEPA payments
Crypto ecommerce payment checkout integration
Wallets for crypto payments
Allow your end-users to convert EUR to crypto and make payments for their purchases in crypto E-commerce stores can seamlessly automate the conversion and even the checkout process
Crypto payment check-out
Implement a straightforward crypto checkout by integrating the deposit functionality of your corporate wallet, allowing your end-users to pay via on-chain transactions.
Lancez-vous avec Striga
Embarquer vos Wallet
Créer et lancer les portefeuilles des clients en leur offrant des vIBAN dédiés et uniques connectés à des comptes multidevises.
Embarquer vos utilisateurs
Striga vous fournit un module de vérification d'identité et un module KYC pour vérifier l'identité des clients. Tout le processus se fait via une API
Surveillez Transactions
Surveillez les transactions grâce à des contrôles continus en matière de LBC/FT. Lancez vos produits financiers sans avoir besoin d'aucune licence.
Émettre et gestion
les cartes VISA
Gérer les cartes et avoir un contrôle total sur le cycle de vie des cartes. Vous pouvez également concevoir des flux d'approbation personnalisés pour une expérience client sans faille.
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Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.
Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.
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Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.