Enable Bitcoin payments via Lightning Network for your end-users
Enable Bitcoin payments via Lightning Network for your end-users
Build and launch a Bitcoin-first cross-border payments app via Lightning Network. Enrich your app with banking capabilities by embedding Lightning onramp and offramp features.
Build and launch a Bitcoin-first cross-border payments app via Lightning Network. Enrich your app with banking capabilities by embedding Lightning onramp and offramp features.

Why the Lightning Network?
Why the Lightning Network?
Transactions between users on the Lightning Network are nearly instantaneous! This allows your customers to make payments in almost no time at all.
The cost of transactions on the Lightning Network is incredibly low, just a tiny fraction of a penny.
The Lightning Network offers your customers enhanced privacy compared to standard Bitcoin or Litecoin transactions.
Lightning On-Ramp
Lightning On-Ramp
Onboard new users without hassle. Offer them vIBANs for native on-ramp and let them swap to Bitcoin.

Lightning Off-Ramp
Lightning Off-Ramp
Give users the freedom to move back to fiat by receiving BTC via Lightning and swapping it to EUR in just a few clicks.
White-Label Bitcoin card program
White-Label Bitcoin card program
Start issuing branded Bitcoin card programs and let your end-users pay daily bills with Bitcoin, online or offline.

Bitcoin Payment API with enhanced Lightning Network features
Simplified Integration
Incorporate instantaneous, cost-effective global transactions into your application with only a few APIs calls.
Powered by Lightning
Facilitate and dispatch Bitcoin transactions programmatically via the Lightning Network.
Receive payments as minute as one Satoshi.
An API infrastructure to build various use cases around Lightning
An API infrastructure to build various use cases around Lightning
Allow your end-users to remit money to their loved ones in a fast, affordable, and secure way.
Create a compliant, simple, automated, and cost-effective Bitcoin infrastructure to build Bitcoin payout apps across the world.
Settle instantly in Bitcoin and enable instant Bitcoin transfers in a compliant manner.
Enable swaps to and from Bitcoin at any time in a cost-effective way.
Comment se lancer avec Striga
Embarquer vos Wallet
Créer et lancer les portefeuilles des clients en leur offrant des vIBAN dédiés et uniques connectés à des comptes multidevises.
Embarquer vos utilisateurs
Striga vous fournit un module de vérification d'identité et un module KYC pour vérifier l'identité des clients. Tout le processus se fait via une API
Surveillez Transactions
Surveillez les transactions grâce à des contrôles continus en matière de LBC/FT. Lancez vos produits financiers sans avoir besoin d'aucune licence.
Émettre et gestion
les cartes VISA
Gérer les cartes et avoir un contrôle total sur le cycle de vie des cartes. Vous pouvez également concevoir des flux d'approbation personnalisés pour une expérience client sans faille.
Vous voulez être un partenaire ?
Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.
Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.
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Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.