How to build payment apps with Striga?

Crypto Application Infrastructure
Designed for crypto-neobanks and wallets, Striga’s APIs help you to build and launch your crypto application quickly and expand it securely, enhancing both revenue and customer experience

How to Issue Debit Payment Cards?
Learn how to use Striga’s APIs to issue payment cards users. Manage your debit cards program from one place and blend it with crypto.

How to issue a white-label prepaid Ethereum payment card?
Embed white-label prepaid Ethereum payment cards into your product and let your end-users easily spend Ethereum.

How to issue BNB payment cards?
Embed BNB payment cards into your product and let your end-users easily spend BNB.

How to build Ethereum Wallet using Striga’s crypto APIs?
Onboard end-users, offer them a vIBAN to deposit EUR and let them go from EUR to Ethereum with ease using one set of crypto APIs.
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Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.