API for Web3 Apps and Crypto Custody

API for Web3 Apps and Crypto Custody

Striga enables Web3 apps founders to integrate crypto custody and exchange into their apps. These APIs can be used to enable payments, manage accounts, and monitor transactions. This is a game-changer for the crypto industry because it will allow innovators to create better products with less risk.

Striga enables Web3 apps founders to integrate crypto custody and exchange into their apps. These APIs can be used to enable payments, manage accounts, and monitor transactions. This is a game-changer for the crypto industry because it will allow innovators to create better products with less risk.


Launching web3 apps, but don't know where to start?

Launching web3 apps, but don't know where to start?

We know how difficult it can be to build products that are compliant with regulations and meet the needs of your customers while also ensuring they’re on-chain. That’s why we’ve created a suite of services that will make it easy for you to develop web3 apps that are truly ready for the future.

A one stop on & off ramp solution accessible via Striga APIs

A one stop on & off ramp solution accessible via Striga APIs

Striga enables web3 apps to integrate digital assets within their existing environments with low technical lift and minimal regulatory burden. Striga’s solutions are broad multi-chain support, automated on-chain transaction monitoring to ensure payments are compliant, and smart contract capabilities. The range of ERC20 supported and ETH tokens make it easy to build your crypto on & off ramp with a few lines of code.

Build your Seamless Web3 App Experience Today


KYC & onboarding Flows

L'utilisateur soumet les informations KYC de manière transparente et vérifie les addresses emails et les numéros de téléphone.


Portefeuille de l'utilisateur connecté

L'utilisateur saisit l'adresse du portefeuille, choisit le compte fiat/crypto et procède au paiement.


Exécution de la transaction

L'utilisateur exécute une cotation unique pour le montant de la cryptomonnaie et les frais de réseau de la chaîne.

Une suite d'API qui vous permet de créer facilement des applications web3 sophistiquées.

Crypto On & Off Ramp

Let your users move assets from one chain to another, as well as convert them from one type of digital asset into another or off ramping into fiat currencies


Striga offers an array of options for liquidity, including fiat onramps and offramps, as well as instant swaps between different cryptocurrencies or tokens. The latter means that all of your users will be able to seamlessly move between different coins without needing to leave your app!


We know that regulations are key when it comes to ensuring compliance with government bodies around the EEA, which is why we’ve designed our systems with this in mind. You’ll never have to worry about getting in trouble with regulators again!

Access crypto liquidity in real-time, both on and off chain

Access crypto liquidity in real-time, both on and off chain

Conforme aux cadres réglementaires en vigueur dans leur juridiction

Conforme aux cadres réglementaires en vigueur dans leur juridiction

Tirer profit du cadre européen de conformité

Tirer profit du cadre européen de conformité

Provide a secure and reliable wallet & account infrastructure for their users

Provide a secure and reliable wallet & account infrastructure for their users

Créer des application d'échange de cryptomonnaies et des capacités d'échange instantané pour les utilisateurs de vos applications.

Créer des application d'échange de cryptomonnaies et des capacités d'échange instantané pour les utilisateurs de vos applications.

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Vous n'avez pas à réinventer la roue, mais à la faire tourner.

Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.

Prenez rendez-vous avec nous pour découvrir comment Striga peut vous aider à commercialiser vos produits plus rapidement sans avoir à gérer les questions de conformité.

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